jeudi 29 septembre 2022

Dice game in Python: randint and victory message

I'm experimenting a bit and trying to make a simple dice game. I want it to be so one could guess a number between 1-6, then have a dice randomly generate a number, and giving a message depending on if one was right or not.

I have tried:

guess_1 = input("Guess the number on the dice: ")
print("You have entered " + guess_1)

from random import randint
dice = randint(1,6)

if guess_1 == dice:
    print(f"The result was {dice}. Congratulations, you win!")
    print(f"The result was {dice}. Sorry, try again!")

However, now, even if I guess correctly, I still wind up with "You have entered 6 The result was 6. Sorry, try again!"

Does anyone know what I have done wrong here? And if there is a way to do so that you get an error message if you write e.g. 15 instead of a number within the range of the dice?

All help greatly appreciated!

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