vendredi 2 septembre 2022

Python for Maya, solar system generator

The end goal is to create a solar system that is semi-randomly generated, using polySphere and Curves, assigning colours, etc. Right now I've got the background size (a polyPlane with four different options in an optionsMenu) sorted out, and the next step is adding in pointLights to illuminate the background like a starry backdrop. But in trying to run the pointLights through a for loop to duplicate them results in the polyPlane getting duplicated, and not the light.

I am using Maya 2022.4, on Windows 10.

import maya.cmds as cmds
import random
from random import randint

star_count = 10

def solar_UI(): 

#delete previous iteration of UI
    if cmds.window("MainWindow", exists = True):

#UI Window buttons and creation
    cmds.window("MainWindow", t = "Custom Solar System Generator", w = 500, h = 700, mnb = False, mxb = False, sizeable = False)
    cmds.columnLayout("MainLayout", w = 300, cal = ('center'), adj = False, en = True)
    cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc = 2)
#starfield background     
    cmds.optionMenu("BackgroundCreationList", w = 250, label = "Polygon Selection:")
    cmds.menuItem(label = " ")
    cmds.menuItem(label = "Small")
    cmds.menuItem(label = "Medium")
    cmds.menuItem(label = "Large")
    cmds.menuItem(label = "XL")

    cmds.button("Create_Background", l = "Create", w = 150, align = 'middle', c = BackgroundCreation)
    cmds.separator(h = 2, en = True)
#rename star
    cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc = 3)
    cmds.text(l = "Star name:", w = 75)
    star_text = cmds.textField('star_name', w = 100, pht = 'Type Here')    
    cmds.button(l = "Rename", w = 100, c = rename_star)

#Select and delete all
    cmds.button("Delete", l = "Delete", w = 200, align = 'middle', bgc = [0.5, 0, 0], c = DeleteButton)


## Define Functions

#starfield background creation and sizes
def BackgroundCreation(*args):
    cmds.shadingNode('pointLight', asLight = True)
    bgValue = cmds.optionMenu("BackgroundCreationList", q = True, v = True)
    if bgValue == "Small": 
        cmds.polyPlane(n = "Small_Background", w = 75, h = 75)
        for pointLight in = True):
            for i in range(10):
                cmds.duplicate(pointLight, rc = True, ic = True, st = True)[0]
                for axis in ['.tx', '.tz']:
                    cmds.setAttr(pointLight + axis, random.uniform(-15,15))
                    cmds.setAttr(pointLight + '.ty', 3)
    elif bgValue == "Medium":
        cmds.polyPlane(n = "Medium_Background", w = 200, h = 200)
    elif bgValue == "Large":
        cmds.polyPlane(n = "Large_Background", w = 500, h = 500)
    elif bgValue == "XL":
        cmds.polyPlane(n = "XL_Background", w = 1000, h = 1000)

#star rename function
def rename_star():
    for obj in = True):
        star_name = cmds.textField(obj, q = True, text = True)
        cmds.rename(obj, star_name)

#change colour, 10 selections
#def colourChange():
#    if cmds.getAttr('pSphere1.color') == 0: #Blue
#        cmds.polyColorPerVertex(r = 0.159, g = 0.3811, b = 0.86, a = 1, cdo = True)
#    elif cmds.getAttr('pSphere1.color') == 1: #Red
#        cmds.polyColorPerVertex(r=.86,g=.159,b=.3811,a=1, cdo = True)
#    elif cmds.getAttr('pSphere1.color') == 2: #Green
#        cmds.polyColorPerVertex(r = 0.3811, g = 0.86, b = 0.159, a = 1, cdo = True)

#delete all function
def DeleteButton(*args):
    for obj in = True): = True)

## Alternate code, just in case

#        for point in range(star_count):
#            pointy  = cmds.pointLight(intensity = 10, decayRate = 2, edit = True, rgb = [1, 1, 0])
#            cmds.setAttr(pointy + '.ry', -90)
#            cmds.setAttr(pointy + '.ty', random.uniform(3, 15))
#            cmds.setAttr(pointy + '.tx', random.uniform(-75, 75))
#            cmds.setAttr(pointy + '.tz', random.uniform(-75, 75))
#            cmds.setAttr(pointy + '.useDepthMapShadows', 2)

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