mercredi 7 septembre 2022

Java Blackjack program to generate random outcomes for different players

I am building a blackjack program using threads in Java. I have three players, Andrew, Billy and Carla. I am supposed to output their score result after a round of cards. Where they're supposed to beat the dealer with a score that is greater than 15 but less than or equal to 21. I am having a problem outputting their results because I am trying to use the random class to produce different scores each round. Here's my code

package blackjack.client;
import blackjack.system.*;
public class Blackjack21 {
    private static int cardTotal;
    public static void main(String[]args){
    CardCounter cardCounter = new CardCounter();
    BlackJackThread b1 = new BlackJackThread("Andrew", cardTotal);
    BlackJackThread b2 = new BlackJackThread("Billy", cardTotal);
    BlackJackThread b3 = new BlackJackThread("Carla", cardTotal);

package blackjack.system;
public class BlackJackThread extends Thread{
    private CardCounter cardCounter = new CardCounter();
    private String playerName;
    private int cardTotal;
    public BlackJackThread(String playerName, int cardTotal){
        this.playerName = playerName;
        this.cardTotal = cardTotal;
    public void run(){
        cardCounter.checkForWin(playerName, cardTotal);

package blackjack.system;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;
public class CardCounter {
public synchronized void checkForWin(String player, int cardTotal){
Object[] suitNumber = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,"jack","king","queen"};    
String suit[] = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"};
List<Object>playersHand = new ArrayList<Object>();
Random suitType = new Random(); 
int n = suitType.nextInt(4);
Random numberOnSuit = new Random();
int m = numberOnSuit.nextInt(11);
for(int i=0; i<=3; i++){
    if((suitNumber[m] == "jack")||(suitNumber[m]=="king"||suitNumber[m]=="queen")){
        cardTotal+= 10;
    String wrapperObject =cardTotal+""+suitNumber[m];
    Integer unboxObject = new Integer(wrapperObject);
    if((cardTotal > 15) && (cardTotal <= 21)){
        System.out.println(player+"'s hand:"+playersHand);
        System.out.println(player+" "+cardTotal+" "+"beats dealer");
        System.out.println(player+"'s hand:"+playersHand);
        System.out.println(player+" "+cardTotal+" "+"loses");

Here's my output. I want to ensure that all three players have different scores but different outcomes every time I run the thread enter image description here

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