samedi 25 mars 2023

Is there any way or algorithm to generate unique random numbers without store?

I wanna create unique random numbers with size of m and range of 0 to n-1. I think there are 2 traditional ways to do this as below.

val m = 1000
val n = 100
val set = mutableSetOf<Int>()

while (set.size < m) {
    val v = Random.nextInt(n)
val m = 1000
val n = 100
val set = (0..m).shuffled().subList(0, n).toSet()

Both are good ways to get unique random numbers, but they need some storage to check if numbers are unique or not.

However, I need to generate unique random numbers without any space, because the m or n would be quite big(e.g. a billion). And note that the generated numbers do not have to be same every time the code is executed.(like Random with seed). Is there any algorithm for this ?

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