lundi 6 mars 2023

Randomize items with a filter in R

is there a way to shuffle dataframe's rows based on a filter? For instance, I have this dataframe:

                       "control","control","control","control","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","clitic filler","action filler","action filler","action filler","action filler","action filler","action filler","action filler","action filler")

In which numbers from 3 to 6 are 'restructuring', 7-10 are 'control', 11-18 are 'clitic filler', 19-26 are 'action filler', and I'd like name column to not have the same value in 2 consecutive rows.

I tried:

shuffled_data= data[sample(1:nrow(data)), ]

But this obviously randomizes with no criteria

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