lundi 17 juillet 2023

My application on Windows Forms goes into break when I try to call these functions

I have files on my computer containing all cards within a deck. What I want to do is generate all 52 numbers and give 7 of them to the user in the form of buttons so they can play these cards, another 7 cards to the computer, and the remaining cards stored in a queue for either of them to press to get more if needed. But the error I am facing is generating the 7 random numbers that need to be stored for the user to get.

This is the code I am referring to:

I believe this part of the code calls the SetButtonImage to begin to compile on load.

public FmClassic()


This is SetButtonImage gathering the images from within my computer as well as calling another function to generate the random numbers.

private void SetButtonImage()
            button1.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[0]}.jpg");
            button2.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[1]}.jpg");
            button3.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[2]}.jpg");
            button4.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[3]}.jpg");
            button5.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[4]}.jpg");
            button6.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[5]}.jpg");
            button7.Image = Image.FromFile($"C:\\filepath\\{ShuffleOneTime()[6]}.jpg");


This is then called to ensure they are random and not called twice with the hash table as well as converting to a string which I think is better for when searching for files?

public string ShuffleOneTime()
            Random random = new Random();
            HashSet<int> generatednumbers = new HashSet<int>();
            int randomNumber = GenerateRandomNumber(random, generatednumbers);
            int numberOfUniqueNumbers = 54;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUniqueNumbers; i++)
                randomNumber = GenerateRandomNumber(random, generatednumbers);
                if (i == 7)
                    List<int> numbers = new List<int>();
            string newrandomNumber = randomNumber.ToString();

            return newrandomNumber;

This helps generate the numbers and return it back to the other function.

static int GenerateRandomNumber(Random random, HashSet<int> generatednumbers)
            int randomNumber;
                randomNumber = random.Next(1, 54);
            while (generatednumbers.Contains(randomNumber));


            return randomNumber;

I have tried making it a string rather than an integer to help find it but it won't work. The filenames for the cards are all 1.jpg, 2.jpg etc so I don't know why there is an error. Everything compiles but then my screen freezes for 60 seconds and them inputs this error:

Managed Debugging Assistant 'ContextSwitchDeadlock' : 'The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0xa73c68 to COM context 0xa73bb0 for 60 seconds.

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