dimanche 30 juillet 2023

rock,paper,scissors gone wrong. c#

i'm a beginner in c#, i was making a simple rock,paper,scissors game, when the code was done i ran it, and the problem is that each time i pick rock,paper or scissors i get stuck in a loop where the console displays the computer pick, and if I won or lost (or if it's a tie).

here is a look at my stuckable, unsuccesful code :

using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

Random random = new Random();

bool playagain = true;
String player = "";
int computer;
computer = random.Next(1,4);
Console.WriteLine("Enter, ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS : ");
player = Console.ReadLine();
player = player.ToUpper();

while (playagain == true)
    while (player != "ROCK" && player != "PAPER" && player != "SCISSORS")
        Console.WriteLine("Enter, ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS : ");
        player = Console.ReadLine();


    switch (computer)
        case 1:// computer = rock
            if (player.Equals("ROCK"))
                Console.WriteLine("Computer : Rock");
                Console.WriteLine("It's a tie !");

            else if (player.Equals("PAPER"))

                Console.WriteLine("Computer : ROCK");
                Console.WriteLine("You lose !");

                Console.WriteLine("Computer : SCISSORS");
                Console.WriteLine("You win !");

        case 2:// computer = paper
            if (player.Equals("ROCK"))
                Console.WriteLine("Computer : PAPER");
                Console.WriteLine("You lose !");

            else if (player.Equals("PAPER"))

                Console.WriteLine("Computer : PAPER");
                Console.WriteLine("It's  a tie  !");

            else// player = scissors 
                Console.WriteLine("Computer : PAPER");
                Console.WriteLine("You win !");


        case 3: // computer = scissors 
            if (player.Equals("ROCK"))
                Console.WriteLine("Computer : SCISSORS");
                Console.WriteLine("You win !");

            else if (player.Equals("PAPER"))

                Console.WriteLine("Computer : SCISSORS");
                Console.WriteLine("You lose  !");

            else// player = scissors 
                Console.WriteLine("Computer : SCISSORS");
                Console.WriteLine("It's a tie  !");




    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again? (yes/no)");
    String response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
    playagain = response == "yes";
    if (playagain.Equals("yes"))
        Console.WriteLine("Enter, ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS : ");
        player = Console.ReadLine();


can anyone solve this, it's prolly an easy fix, but i'm to new to figure it out....

i tried moving the part where the player is asked if he want to continue tha game or not, specifcally this portion of the code :

    Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again? (yes/no)");
    String response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
    playagain = response == "yes";
    if (playagain.Equals("yes"))
        Console.WriteLine("Enter, ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS : ");
        player = Console.ReadLine();


nothing changed.

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