mercredi 25 mars 2015

Printing randomly fed values from an ArrayList in Java

I am processing elements of an ArrayList in random order, generally by printing them out. I would like to detect when the randomly selected index is 0 or 1 so as to perform special handling for those cases, where the handling for index 0 is partially dependent on whether index 1 has previously been processed. Specifically, nothing is immediately printed when index 1 is processed, but if it is processed then when index 0 is subsequently processed, both the index 1 and the index 0 values are printed. In any event, the loop is exited after ten iterations or after processing index 0, whichever comes first.

I tried to implement this using if statements, but there where obvious flaws with that one. I have searched everywhere for any examples but found none. I have begun to consider using sorting algorithms or threads to hold the first value found then continue looping until it sees the second the print it out. I would appreciate any help possible.

Here is my code:

public static void random_sortType(){

types = new ArrayList<String>();

ran = new Random();
int listSize = types.size();
String tempEventType;//the temp variable intended to hold temporary values
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ //the loop goes round the ArrayList 10 times
int index = ran.nextInt(listSize);//this produces the random selection of the elements within the list
if(index == 0){
if(index == 1){
tempEventType = types.get(index);
if(index == 0){
tempEventType = types.get(0) + " " + types.get(1);
}/*if(index == 0){
tempEventType = types.get(0) + " " + types.get(1);

//out.print("Index is " + index + ": ");


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