lundi 30 mars 2015

random sampling with or without replacement in postgresql

I am looking for the possible ways of random sampling in postgreql, I found couple of methods to do that with different advantages and disadvantages,the naive way to do that is :

select * from Table_Name
order by random()
limit 10;

another faster method is:

select * from Table_Name
WHERE random()<= 0.01
order by random()
limit 10;

(although that 0.01 depends on the table size and the sample size,this is just an example).

in both of these queries a random number is generated for each row and sorted based on those random generated numbers and then in the sorted numbers the first 10 is selected as the final result,so I think these should be sampling without replacement.

now what I want to do is to somehow turn this sampling methods into sampling with replacement,how is that possible? or is there any other random sampling method with replacement in postgresql?

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