lundi 28 mars 2016

I am trying to write a function that generates a random number that will stay under my user input that i type in for php

I need to generate a random integer that doesnt exceed the integer that is entered in my user input. Im just very confused how to write it as a

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="">
            <title>Roll The Die</title>
    <h1>Dice Game</h1>

//Php form im just confused on how to generate a random number that stays under my user input number and that is also attached to the form


    if (filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'userDie')){
        $roll = rand();
        $userDie = filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, "userDie");
        echo"You rolled a $roll";
    //there's no input. Create the form
     print <<< HERE
    <form action = "" method = "post">
    <label>Please Enter a number to Roll</label>
     <input type = "text" 
     name = "userDie" /> 
     <button type = "submit">

    // end 'value exists' if

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