Functionality Corresponding image will fade in and display when user clicks on the parent image. Therefore, the secondary image will correspond to the parent image.
What I have done:
All images are set into arrays, where they are all randomised. Furthermore, I have append the array of the corresponding images to the array of randomised image and append it to the displaying div tag.
I have attached the code for your perusal
//Brand Array
var BrandNameArray = ["lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/anis.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/aeo.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/alo.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/beauty.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/bbe.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/eds.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/coch.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/cotnon.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/dewel.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/esdoir.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/erit.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/ethouse.png", "lib/img/PAGE03/Brands/forr2.png"];
//Corresponding Image Array
var OfferArray = ["lib/img/PAGE04/adonis.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/aeo.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/aldo.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/beauty.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/bebe.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/ceds.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/coach.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/cottonon.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/dejewel.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/esboudoir.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/esprit.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/etudehouse.png", "lib/img/PAGE04/forever21.png", ];
var CorrectOfferArray = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"];
var OfferIndex = "";
$(function() {
//Auto populate into brand container once randomised for each Brand image
var BrandNameArrayBackup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(BrandNameArray));
for (i = 0; i < $('#list').find('img').length; i++) {
//To Set random Brand
var random_BrandIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * BrandNameArray.length);
//Assign Variable to generate random Brands
var Brand = BrandNameArray[random_BrandIndex];
BrandNameArray.splice(random_BrandIndex, 1);
$('#Brand_' + (i + 1)).attr('src', Brand);
$('#Brand_' + (i + 1)).show();
BrandNameArray = BrandNameArrayBackup; //re-assigning values back to array
//Choose Brand with popUp
function selectBrand(index) {
duration: slideDuration,
queue: false
var random_BrandIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * BrandNameArray.length);
var chosenBrandIndex = OfferArray[random_BrandIndex];
//Set option clicked to CSS change
$('#Description').attr('src', chosenBrandIndex);
OfferIndex = index + "";
function Vivo_BrandDescription() {
idleTime = 0;
$("#border_page").fadeOut(function() {
<div id="ChooseBrand" align="center" style="position:absolute; width:1920px; height:1080px; background-repeat: no-repeat; z-index=3; top:0px; left:0px;">
<img id="Main" src="lib/img/PAGE03/Background.png" />
<input type="text" id="SearchField" style="position:absolute; top:190px; left:660px; height:40px; width:600px; outline=0px; border: 0; font-size:25px; font-family:'CenturyGothic'; background: transparent; z-index=4;" autofocus src="lib/img/transparent.png">
<div class="Container">
<div id="list" class="innerScroll">
<!--1st Row-->
<img id="Brand_1" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:0px; left:0px; border:0px; outline:0px" onclick="selectBrand('1');">
<img id="Brand_2" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:0px; left:330px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('2');">
<img id="Brand_3" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:0px; left:650px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('3');">
<img id="Brand_4" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:0px; left:965px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('4');">
<!--2nd Row-->
<img id="Brand_5" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:140px; left:0px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('5');">
<img id="Brand_6" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:140px; left:330px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('6');">
<img id="Brand_7" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:140px; left:650px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('7');">
<img id="Brand_8" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:140px; left:965px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('8');">
<!--3rd Row-->
<img id="Brand_9" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:280px; left:0px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('9');">
<img id="Brand_10" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:280px; left:330px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('10');">
<img id="Brand_11" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:280px; left:650px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('11');">
<img id="Brand_12" style="width:284px; height:140px; top:280px; left:965px; border:0px;" onclick="selectBrand('12');">
<div id="BrandDescription" class="menu" align="center" style="position:absolute; width:1920px; height:1080px; background-repeat: no-repeat; display:none; top:0px; left:0px; z-index=10;">
<img id="Description" style="position:absolute; top:124px; left:534px;z-index=11;">
<button id="Close" onclick="Close()"></button>
<button id="LikeBrand" onclick="LikeBrand()"></button>
<button id="DislikeBrand" onclick="DislikeBrand()"></button>
<button id="Reset" onclick="Reset()"></button>
The corresponding image when displayed does not tally with the parent image. Meaning: If the parent image is displaying an apple image, and when the user clicks on the apple image, the corresponding image that will be displayed is a worm. However, at this instance, when user clicks on the parent image of "apple", the corresponding image of a banana is shown. Therefore, the randomised corresponding image is showing the wrong image when the parent image is clicked.
What has caused an error in the function?? I am not getting it.
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