Sorry, but I don't speak english very good.
I want to create a function that searches in a table using a "lot" or "draw" function and bring the results in a gsp.
This is my code:
My class
package tele
class Aspirante {
String nombre
String apellido_paterno
String apellido_materno
Integer edad
String sexo
String nacionalidad
String procedencia
String telefono
String correo
Date fecha_reg
Integer status
static constraints = {
edad (maxSize:2)
sexo(inList: ["Hombre", "Mujer"])
correo (email: true, blank: false)
apellido_materno (blank: true, nullable:true)
public String toString(){
return "${nombre}"
My controller
def sorteo(){
groovy.sql.Sql sql = new groovy.sql.Sql(dataSource)
def res = ""
def edad1 = ""
def edad2 = ""
def query = ""
def query2= ""
def queryup =""
def fupdate =""
edad1 = params.edad1
edad2 = params.edad2
res = params.res
query="SELECT id AS id FROM aspirante WHERE edad between "+edad1+" and "+edad2+" AND status=0 ORDER BY RAND(), edad ASC, sexo ASC LIMIT "+res+""
fupdate="UPDATE aspirante WHERE id = (SELECT * FROM ("+query+")) as id);"
query2="UPDATE aspirante SET status =1 WHERE id IN(SELECT * FROM (SELECT id FROM aspirante WHERE edad between "+edad1+" and "+edad2+" AND status=0 ORDER BY edad ASC, sexo ASC LIMIT "+res+")as t);"
def id = new ArrayList()
def nombre = new ArrayList()
def appat = new ArrayList()
def apmat = new ArrayList()
def eedad = new ArrayList()
def sexo = new ArrayList()
def telefono = new ArrayList()
sql.eachRow(query){ row->
//query_ids="UPDATE aspirante SET status = 1 WHERE id = "+id+");"
//def update = Aspirante.executeUpdate("UPDATE Aspirante SET status = :new_status WHERE id = :id_up",[new_status:1,id_up:id]);
//Aspirante.executeUpdate("UPDATE Aspirante SET status = :new_status WHERE id = :id_up",[new_status:1,id_up:id]);
//executeUpdate("delete Book b where b.title like ?",['Groovy In Action'])
println query
println query2
println queryup
println nombre
println appat
println apmat
println eedad
println sexo
println telefono
println id
println "fupdate>>>>>>"+fupdate
<%@ page import="tele.*" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="layout" content="main" />
<g:set var="entityName" value="${message(code: 'aspirante.label', default: 'Aspirante')}" />
<title><g:message code="default.list.label" args="[entityName]" /></title>
<a href="#list-aspirante" class="skip" tabindex="-1"><g:message code="" default="Skip to content…"/></a>
<div class="nav" role="navigation">
<li><a class="home" href="${createLink(uri: '/')}"><g:message code="default.home.label"/></a></li>
<li><g:link class="create" action="create"><g:message code="" args="[entityName]" /></g:link></li>
table.x tr td{
vertical-align: bottom;
text-align: center;
width: 33%;
<table class="x">
<td style="text-align: left">
<g:if test="${aspiranteInstanceTotal == 0 || aspiranteInstanceTotal > 0}">
Total de Aspirantes: ${aspiranteInstanceTotal}
Total de Aspirantes: ${Aspirante.count()}
<td> <g:form action="busqueda">
<fieldset class="form">
<g:render template="buscar"/>
<g:sortableColumn property="nombre" title="${message(code: 'aspirante.nombre.label', default: 'Nombre')}" />
<g:sortableColumn property="apellido_paterno" title="${message(code: 'aspirante.apeliido_paterno.label', default: 'Apellido Paterno')}" />
<g:sortableColumn property="apellido_materno" title="${message(code: 'aspirante.apellido_materno.label', default: 'Apellido Materno')}" />
<g:sortableColumn property="Edad" title="${message(code: 'aspirante.edad.label', default: 'Edad')}" />
<g:sortableColumn property="Sexo" title="${message(code: 'aspirante.sexo.label', default: 'Sexo')}" />
<g:each in="${aspiranteInstanceList}" status="i" var="aspiranteInstance">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<td><g:link action="show" id="${}">${fieldValue(bean: aspiranteInstance, field: "nombre")}</g:link> </td>
<td>${fieldValue(bean: aspiranteInstance, field: "apellido_paterno")}</td>
<td>${fieldValue(bean: aspiranteInstance, field: "apellido_materno")} </td>
<td>${fieldValue(bean: aspiranteInstance, field: "edad")} </td>
<td>${fieldValue(bean: aspiranteInstance, field: "sexo")} </td>
<div class="pagination">
<g:paginate total="${aspiranteInstanceTotal}" />
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