samedi 24 décembre 2016

How to generate a random distribution to make characters (in a word/phrase) appear more naturally

This is the effect I am trying to achieve:

I am trying to generate an effect where the letters of a string get revealed gradually and randomly. See the codepen link above for a demonstration of this.

However, I'm finding it difficult to show each character naturally if I just simply randomly generate numbers for each delay separately.

If I simply do a Math.random() to generate a number independently for each character, sometimes adjacent letters will have similar delay numbers, and as such the effect will look chunky, with two letters side-by-side appearing at the same rate.

This is the naive solution with separate random number generators:

  renderSpans(text) {
    const textArray = text.split('');
    return, index) => {
      const transitionTime = 2000;
      const delay = parseInt(Math.random() * transitionTime, 10);
      const styles = {
        opacity: ? '1' : '0',
        transition: `opacity ${transitionTime}ms`,
        transitionDelay: `${delay}ms`,
      return <span style={styles}>{letter}</span>;

I need an algorithm to generate an array of numbers that I can use as the delay for each of the characters, regardless of the length of the input string.

My first thought is to use a sinusoidal wave of some sort, with a bunch of randomness put in, but I'm not sure about the specifics on this. I am sure there's a much more well-accepted way to generate natural-looking noise in mathematics.

Can someone point me to some well-known algorithms for my use case? Maybe something to do with Perlin noise or the like?

Thanks in advance.

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