jeudi 29 décembre 2016

Sort An Array in Decresing Order - Java

I am trying to solve this exercise but I am facing some problems while trying to do so. In logical terms, I think that I am thinking right. Could you take a look at my code please and try to help me?


import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random;

public class exercicio_4_alapata { public static void main(String[] args) {

     int [] Array_numal;
     Array_numal = new int [100];

     int [] ArrayOrdenado;
     ArrayOrdenado = new int [100];

     int posicao_array;
     int posicao_array2 = 0;

     for (posicao_array = 0; posicao_array < Array_numal.length; posicao_array ++) {
         Random rand = new Random();
         Array_numal [posicao_array] = rand.nextInt(101);

     int maior = Array_numal [0];

     while (maior != ArrayOrdenado[99]) {

         for (posicao_array2 = 0; posicao_array2 == 99; posicao_array2 ++) {

             for (posicao_array = 0; posicao_array < Array_numal.length; posicao_array ++) {

                 if ((Array_numal[posicao_array] > maior) && (maior < ArrayOrdenado [posicao_array2 - 1])) {
                    maior = ArrayOrdenado [posicao_array2];

     for (posicao_array2 = 0; posicao_array2 < ArrayOrdenado.length; posicao_array2 ++) {



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