mercredi 24 mai 2017

Trying to create a 1GB file with randomly generated numbers

Created the following program in Python:

import csv
import os
from random import randint

with open('number.csv',"w") as f_out:
    f_write = csv.writer(f_out,delimiter=',')
    statinfo = os.stat('number.csv')
    file_size = statinfo.st_size
    x=[randint(0,99) for p in range(0,99)]

    for i in x:

The above program is not giving desired results; it writes the same line over and over and I don't know how to reach 1GB with this.

  • Repetition of numbers is allowed.
  • The file has to stop generating once the file size reaches 1 GB.
  • So I want random numbers (0,99), comma separated with series of lines with same number of columns in each line until the file size reaches 1 GB.

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