lundi 28 août 2017

C++ 11 random number generation not working

//My trial program

using namespace std;

int main(){

    //USed to initialize (seed) the random number generator
    random_device sd{};

    // The random number generator
    mt19937 engine {sd()};

    //Uniformly distribute random numbers in [1...10]
    uniform_int_distribution <> dis{1, 50};

    //Generate a random integer
    int x {dis(engine)};

    //Print it 


    return 0;


I have used the code above to a generate random number between 1 to 50. But whenever I run the program, the random number generated is the same. An online course that I am taking has this code and it works perfectly fine on the instructor's clang compiler. I am using gcc compiler. Can anyone tell me what needs to be done please? thank you!!

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