I'm having some problems to draw in python N numbers of circles of the same size in a XY tiff image. My progress is not to much, but I have the following code:
di = 0.25 # Diameter of circles in micrometers
d = np.round(di/0.065) # conversion to pixels
s = 512 # Image size x
s1 = 512 # Image size y
image = Image.new('RGB', (s, s1),'black')
TCZs = [50]
for n in TCZs:
x = random.randint(0-d,s-d)
y = random.randint(0-d,s-d)
x1 = x+d
y1 = y+d
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.ellipse((x,y,),(x1,y1), fill = 'red', outline ='red')
This code produce the following error:
TypeError: ellipse() got multiple values for argument 'fill'
I understand that this error is produced by my iteration, however I don't understand how to keep going with the solution. Some ideas? thanks in advance
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