vendredi 29 septembre 2017

How to add class to random element in pure javascript

I have a ul with some li's inside. I want to randomly select an li and add an .active class for 1second, then remove .active class and randomly select a next li.

I am trying to do this without the use of setInterval or Timeout, so I have tried using requestAnimationFrame although I think my logic with javascript is not quite right on randomizing.

Currently I have it working but it selects the same li each time the function is called again.

  <li class="light active"></li>
  <li class="light"></li>
  <li class="light"></li>
  <li class="light"></li>
  <li class="light"></li>


(function() {

var lights = document.getElementsByClassName("light");
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (lights.length - 1)) + 0;
var randomLight = lights[random];

function repeatOften() {
  randomLight.classList += randomLight.classList ? ' active' : ' light';


Here is a pen:

Thanks in advance!

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