who knows how to do this? can anyone work out a solution for me? this is my assignment and I'm not sure where to start.
I need to make a "wandering monster table", not sure how to start. I have to allow the user to input a percent chance for each of four situations.
Probability:..................Encounter:................................Min roll:......................... Max roll:
user says 50%.......user says "dragon" .......................... 0 ..................................49
user says 5% ............ user says "gold" ......................... 50 ............................... 54
user says 20% ........ user says "friends" ...................... 55................................. 74
user says 25% ........ user says "enemies" ................... 75 .................................99
(button that says "generate the table!" which saves all the data to its variables)
(button that rolls the 9 sided dice)
***dice images that say 99*
"You rolled a 99"
You encountered Enemies!
" a certain situation depends on the dice rolled, I also need to put two 10 sided dice on the bottom of the page, thats how you get 99. the dice are simply created using 10 images that range from 0 to 9, and you roll 2 of them. When you roll them, two of the 10 dice images appear) when the user rolls the dice, it says what they landed on below.
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