mercredi 1 novembre 2017

Python Roll dice with 2 parameters: Number of sides of the dice and the number of dice

  1. This is the problem I have: Write a function roll dice that takes in 2 parameters - the number of sides of the die, and the number of dice to roll - and generates random roll values for each die rolled. Print out each roll and then return the string “That’s all!” An example output

       That's all!
  2. This is the code I have so far using a normal roll dice code:

                      import random
                      min = 1
                      max = 6
                      roll_dice = "yes"
                      while roll_dice == "yes":
                          print random.randint(min,max)
                          print random.randint(min,max)
                          print "That's all"
                          import sys

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