I have been trying to make a button teleport to a random place on screen (in one of the 9 given coordinates) when the button is clicked, that worked fine but then I have seen that a common result is that the button stays in place, I have then created a new array that does not include the current coordinates of the button, that worked in the aspect of the button not staying in the same place, however, now I experience a new issue, for some unknwon reason - yes, I tried to debug - there are only 2 coordinates the button goes to, here is the code:
gameBtnRX = gameBtn.getX(); //Getting the current X of the button
gameBtnRY = gameBtn.getY(); //Getting the current Y of the button
switch ((int) gameBtnRX) { //Setting the _randArgsX array values
case 200: _randArgsX = new float[]{600, 1000}; break;
case 600: _randArgsX = new float[]{200, 1000}; break;
case 1000: _randArgsX = new float[]{200, 600}; break;
default: _randArgsX = new float[]{200, 600, 1000}; break;
switch ((int) gameBtnRX) { //Setting the _randArgsY array values
case 500: _randArgsY = new float[]{1000, 1500}; break;
case 1000: _randArgsY = new float[]{500, 1500}; break;
case 1500: _randArgsY = new float[]{500, 1000}; break;
default: _randArgsY = new float[]{500, 1000, 1500}; break;
randGameBtnX = rand.nextInt(_randArgsX.length - 1); //Randomizing one of (max 3) the values in the array
randGameBtnY = rand.nextInt(_randArgsY.length - 1); //And putting them as the X and Y of gameBtn
gameBtnX = _randArgsX[randGameBtnX];
gameBtnY = _randArgsY[randGameBtnY];
(The 200,600,100 are the possible X coordinates, and the 500,1000,15000 are the possible Y coordinates)
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