I'm trying to practice some coding and I am trying to make OpenVPN pick a random OVPN file for my Qubes OS laptop, and eventually for my Pop!_OS one. How do I output the commands from pick.sh into openvpn correctly e.g.
openvpn --config (result from pick.sh)
the Pick.sh is as such
# Reads a given directory and picks a random file.
# The directory you want to use. You could use "$1" instead if you
# wanted to parametrize it.
# DIR="$1"
# Internal Field Separator set to newline, so file names with
# spaces do not break our script.
if [[ -d "${DIR}" ]]
# Runs ls on the given dir, and dumps the output into a matrix,
# it uses the new lines character as a field delimiter, as explained above.
file_matrix=($(ls "${DIR}"))
# This is the command you want to run on a random file.
# Change "ls -l" by anything you want, it's just an example.
ls --file-type ovpn "${DIR}/${file_matrix[$((RANDOM%num_files))]}"
exit 0
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