mercredi 2 mai 2018

Numpy random choice distribution error

I have a list of numbers and another list of probabilities which corresponds to these numbers. I use numpy.random.choice to create a random 2d array:

choice = numpy.random.choice([10, 22, 30], [10, 10], p=[0.45, 0.45, 0.10])

In choiceshould be 45 ones, 45 twos and 10 zeros but after several runs i never get the correct distribution.

unique, counts = numpy.unique(choice, return_counts=True)
print(dict(zip(unique, counts)))

{10: 49, 22: 37, 30: 14}
{10: 47, 22: 42, 30: 11}
{10: 40, 22: 51, 30: 9}

What did i miss?

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