mercredi 18 juillet 2018

How do i get random generated statement in row and use it as conditional in where or and

I have been on this for a while and i dont seem to get it working. I currently have this

$query = "INSERT INTO confirm (username, userph, idb, idph, usergh, idj, idgh, messages, date, pic) VALUES('$username','$userph','$idb','$idph', '$usergh', '$idj', '$idgh', '$messages', '$eltiempo','proof/$name')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

and this

mysql_query("UPDATE tb_beli SET konfirmasi='1', pesan='$messages', pic='proof/$name', exp='', autoapp='$autoapp' where id='$idph'") or die(mysql_error());

However here is my database screenshot

Database screenshot:

enter image description here

and here is the complete screenshot

Database Screenshot 2

What i really want to achieve is that,

i want

mysql_query("UPDATE tb_beli SET konfirmasi='1', pesan='$messages', pic='proof/$name', exp='', autoapp='$autoapp' where id='$idph'") or die(mysql_error());

the where part. i need to use any of the randomly generated values either from token, unik, autoapp, date, amountbtc, bitcoin address

if i use

where status='pending'"

it works but update everything as pending is the default value

so therefore i want to use randomly generated values to make it unique in handling

pls help me re-write this

mysql_query("UPDATE tb_beli SET konfirmasi='1', pesan='$messages', pic='proof/$name', exp='', autoapp='$autoapp' where ?='?'") or die(mysql_error());

with the proper where, and, or clause as required.


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