lundi 1 juillet 2019

Populate a large array using OpenMP

I want to create a 1D array of size (10^7) and want to populate it randomly. Is it possible to create many 10 arrays each of size 10^6, populate them randomly and later merge them into one array using OpenMP?

std::random_device rd{};
std::mt19937 rng{rd()};
std::bernoulli_distribution distribution(p);
int array_size = 10000000, N = 50;
array = new uint64_t[array_size];
#pragma omp parallel 
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i = 0; i < (array_size); i++){
        uint64_t rn = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){
            rn = ((rn<<1)+(distribution(rng)?1:0));
        array[i] = rn;

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