mardi 2 juillet 2019

Random password generation using macro in C

I'm trying to write a macro to generate random-like string using __TIME__ and __DATE__

I put my first attempt as fully executable code below.

#include <stdio.h>

#define _STRINGIFY(s) #s

#define TF(s, c)    ((s - '0') * 1) + c

#define TFN              STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[7],'m')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[1],'A')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[3],'J')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[6],'d')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[0],'C')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__DATE__[5],'h')) \
                         STRINGIFY(TF(__TIME__[5],'p')) \

int main()
    printf("%s", TFN);

    return 0;

I would expect that the printf to print something like


but it gives errors.

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