dimanche 24 mai 2020

C++ generate a number of random values based on an entered argument?

the code i have provided below generates a random ID for an electorate. For example, the random generator may set the ID to 5, 10 or 100. My question today is, how can I produce a number of random IDs based on the paramater value numberofIDs. So, for example if the entered number is 5 then 5 random IDs are created, if it 2 then 2 random IDs are created.

int Electrorates::assignID(int numberofIDs) { //function to generate an x ammount of electorates, depending on the argument 

 std::random_device random_device; 
 std::default_random_engine generator(random_device());
 std::normal_distribution<double> distribution(0,1); //create a random device to set the ID
int randomID = distribution(generator);

setelectorateID(randomID); //access function to set ID


Thankyou, if any futher code is needed please feel free to ask

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