vendredi 29 mai 2020

Im making a quiz using windows forms and C# but it keeps displaying the same question

It reads in questions/answers/topics etc from a .txt file and stores it in an array called ‘questionArray’ which is split by commas into another array called ‘splitDetails’. The if statement selects questions of a particular difficulty level and topic from the list and creates a new question ‘newQ’ of type MultipleChoice which has properties like QuestionText, Choice1, Choice2 etc. and its added to a list called ‘allQuestions’. populateTextboxes() picks a random question from the ‘allQuestions’ list and sets it to the object ‘currentQ’ which is of type MultipleChoice, then deletes it from the list so it isn’t shown again.

if (File.Exists("MultipleChoice questions.txt")) //checking file exists
   string[] questionArray = File.ReadAllLines("MultipleChoice questions.txt"); //create array of all questions 

   foreach (string Q in questionArray)
        string[] splitDetails = Q.Split(',');  //create new array split by commas
if (splitDetails[6] == Quiz.DifficultyLevel && splitDetails[7] == Quiz.CurrentTopic)
            newQ.QuestionText = splitDetails[0]; 
              newQ.Choice1 = splitDetails[1];
              newQ.Choice2 = splitDetails[2];
              newQ.Choice3 = splitDetails[3];
              newQ.Choice4 = splitDetails[4];
              newQ.Answer = splitDetails[5];
              newQ.Difficulty = splitDetails[6];
              newQ.Topic = splitDetails[7];
              newQ.QuestionType = splitDetails[8]; 


   Else MessageBox.Show("No question file found", "File not found");

//add text to blank question form
public MultipleChoice populateTextboxes() 
  Random myNum = new Random();

  if (allQuestions.Count > 0)
    questionCount += 1;

       //select random question from all questions
       int randomNumber = myNum.Next(0, allQuestions.Count);
       currentQ = allQuestions[randomNumber];
       allQuestions.Remove(currentQ);//remove used uestion so it isnt used again

  //when the round is over (3 questions asked)
  if (questionCount == 4) 
    //open keyboardQuestion
    KeyboardInput k = new KeyboardInput();


   lblQuestion.Text = currentQ.QuestionText; 
   btnChoice1.Text = currentQ.Choice1;
   btnChoice2.Text = currentQ.Choice2;
   btnChoice3.Text = currentQ.Choice3;
   btnChoice4.Text = currentQ.Choice4;

   return currentQ;

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