samedi 30 mai 2020

Optimize shuffled array - do I need to go through the whole array?

I will try to explain my issue. I'm trying to create a chessengine in PHP (just for fun :-)) The integers in the code simply returns valid moves (for simplicity - in real code it's objects and movement pattern depending on which piece it's about)

I'm looking for a way to effectively search through an array. By effectively I mean as fast as possible. Look at my comment in code below "IS it possible to break out of loop without going through all 1000 values?" I hope the comments would try to explain what I want to achieve. I'm just looking for ideas to optimize below code, not full code :-)

//This is for demonstrating
//1000 values to go through
$moves_maybe_valid = [];
foreach(range(1,1000) as $nr) {
    $moves_maybe_valid[] = $nr;

//Go through possible values
$move_checked = [];
foreach($moves_maybe_valid as $mmv) {
    $move_is_valid = check_move($mmv);

    //Check if not in checked array
    if ($move_is_valid === false && !in_array($mmv, $move_checked)) {

        //Add to checked move array
        $move_checked[] = $mmv;

    //IS it possible to break out of loop without 
    //going through all 1000 values?


//for demonstration purpose only
//numbers (5,6) that returns true are unknown until an
//an actual check is done in this function
function check_move($nr) {
    if ($nr == 5 || $nr == 6) {
        return true;
    return false;

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