dimanche 24 mai 2020

Trying to select a random user against the current user for a match with both having the same role

I am currently trying to create some sort of matchmaking command for my discord code.

The first half works fine, but the second part is giving me quite a headache. To explain how I want the code to work is for example, There are a number of users having the same role and with this command, I want it to choose two users. One being me (the user using the command) and another random from the list.

I got it to work but sometimes I might get chosen as the second member which if possible, I'd like to exclude myself from the list. Consider it some sort of myself finding a random duel.

Upon successful selection, the command will remove the queue role and add in the new matching role. I hope my explanation is clear. Thanks in advance!

client.on("message", msg=> {
  if(msg.content.toLowerCase() === "!queuepvp") {
    const pvpqueue = ['713765272162402355'];
    let membersList = msg.guild.members.filter(member => member.roles.some(role => pvpqueue.includes(role.id)));
    if(membersList.size < 2) {
      msg.reply('Not enough PVP seekers in queue.');
    let randMembers = membersList.random(1);
    let firstMember = msg.member;
    let secondMember = randMembers[0,1];
    if (!secondMember === msg.member) {
      msg.reply("You are matched up against " + secondMember + "!")

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