mercredi 22 juillet 2020

add point to Latin Hypercube Sampling

I did a sampling on a first interval and I would like to add more points. I have a condition is to take as arguments the precedent points to complete the first sampling. I don't really know/found how is possible to di it?

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from smt.sampling_methods import LHS
%matplotlib notebook

#first interval
# a=[1.0E-06, 1.0E-07]
# z=[1.0E3, 1.0E4]
# e=[1.0e5, 1.0e6]

#first sampling
lambda1 = np.array([[7.075e-07, 1.225e+03, 7.075e+05],
                    [1.225e-07, 6.175e+03, 7.975e+05],
                    [2.125e-07, 6.625e+03, 9.775e+05],
                    [9.775e-07, 5.725e+03, 5.275e+05],
                    [3.475e-07, 4.825e+03, 4.825e+05],
                    [8.425e-07, 7.525e+03, 2.125e+05],
                    [9.325e-07, 7.975e+03, 6.175e+05],
                    [4.825e-07, 8.425e+03, 7.525e+05],
                    [4.375e-07, 5.275e+03, 2.575e+05],
                    [7.525e-07, 2.125e+03, 6.625e+05],
                    [3.925e-07, 3.925e+03, 4.375e+05],
                    [2.575e-07, 3.475e+03, 1.675e+05],
                    [6.175e-07, 2.575e+03, 3.025e+05],
                    [3.025e-07, 1.675e+03, 3.925e+05],
                    [7.975e-07, 9.325e+03, 3.475e+05],
                    [5.275e-07, 8.875e+03, 8.875e+05],
                    [1.675e-07, 3.025e+03, 5.725e+05],
                    [8.875e-07, 9.775e+03, 1.225e+05],
                    [5.725e-07, 7.075e+03, 8.425e+05],
                    [6.625e-07, 4.375e+03, 9.325e+05]])

#new interval
a=[10**-5.0, 10**-8.0]
z=[10**2.0, 10**5.0]
e=[10**4.0, 10**7.0]

xlimits = np.array([a, z,e])
sampling = LHS(xlimits=xlimits,criterion='ese')

num = 20
x = sampling(num)

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