I wrote the following 4-liner in C as a helper function, but I now find it useful beyond what I had anticipated and would like to cover it in my tests.
double random_double_in_range(double min, double max) {
// This cannot overflow, no matter the values of min, max and x.
// It will return an uniformly distributed double
// between min and max, inclusive.
int n = rand();
if (n==0) return min;
double x = (double) n;
return x * (max / RAND_MAX - min / RAND_MAX + min / x);
I wrote the comment and believe it to be true, but how can I really without tests?
I can easily test that the returned value is within the bounds, but how can I write a test that determines whether it is actually uniformly distributed? If I simply run it one million times and check that it fits a uniform distribution within some tolerance, eventually it will exceed that tolerance and fail spuriously.
I know that probably there exist libraries that do this already; this is more of a personal exercise (how do they do their testing?)
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