mardi 26 janvier 2021

Generating random values using numpy

I assign normal rv with mean 12 to ultimately generate order_date for my mock data. But when i am checking it out to see whether 12 is most used value, it turns out to be not. Any recommendations why it is the case...

def random_date_generator(month):
  day_range = calendar.monthrange(2020, month)[1]
  day = random.randint(1, day_range)
  **first_hour = int(np.random.normal(12, 2))**
  # second_hour = int(np.random.normal(18, 2))
  hour = random.choices([first_hour])[0]
  minute = random.randint(1, 59)
  date = dt.datetime(2020, month, day, hour, minute).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
  return date

columns = ['Order ID', 'Product', 'Quantity Ordered', 'Price Each', 'Order Date', 
'Purchase Address', "Month"]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
order_id = 123
for month_int in range(1, 13):
    if month_int == 12:
      order_amount = int(np.random.normal(100, 30))
    if month_int == 11:
      order_amount = int(np.random.normal(90, 30))
    if month_int < 11:
      order_amount = int(np.random.normal(60, 10))

    for i in range(order_amount):
      products_list = [product for product in products]
      weights = [products[key][1] for key in products_list]
      product = random.choices(products_list, weights=weights)[0]
      price = products[product]
      date = random_date_generator(month_int)
      address = generate_random_addresses()   
      month = calendar.month_name[month_int]
      df.loc[i] = [order_id, product, "NA" ,price, date, address, month_int]
      order_id += 1

january = pd.read_csv("January_data2.csv")
january["Hour"] = january["Order Date"].str[-5:-3]

That is the output and as you see the most generated time is 12 but 10.

Unnamed: 0  Order ID    Product Quantity Ordered    Price Each  Order Date  Purchase Address    Month
07  2   2   2   0   2   2   2   2
08  2   2   2   0   2   2   2   2
09  9   9   9   0   9   9   9   9
10  15  15  15  0   15  15  15  15
11  11  11  11  0   11  11  11  11
12  10  10  10  0   10  10  10  10
13  9   9   9   0   9   9   9   9
14  7   7   7   0   7   7   7   7
15  3   3   3   0   3   3   3   3

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