lundi 25 janvier 2021

Save/Store a randomly generated value (python)

I have a very simple code to randomly choose a key (musical key) from a list. How do i store that value so from that point on the program knows the selected key.

import random
majorkeys = ['A major', 'Bb major', 'B major', 'C major', 'Db major', 'D major', 'Eb major', 'E major', 'F major',
             'Gb major', 'G major', 'Ab major']
minorkeys = ['A minor', 'Bb minor', 'B minor', 'C minor', 'Db minor', 'D minor', 'Eb minor', 'E minor', 'F minor',
             'Gb minor', 'G minor', 'Ab minor']
allkeys = majorkeys + minorkeys

#Lydia - in reference to Lydian Mode.
Hey there, my name is Lydia,
I'm here to help you start a song!

knownkey = (input("Do you know what key you would like to start with? "))

if knownkey == "no":
    print("\nLet me help you get this song off the ground! Try start with:")
    print("That's a great starting point! Nice Work!")

confirmkey = (input("Are you happy to continue with this key? "))
while confirmkey == 'no':
    print("No worries! Lets do:")
    print(random.choice(allkeys)+" instead!")
    confirmkey = (input("Are you happy to continue with this key? "))

if confirmkey == "yes":

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