samedi 29 mai 2021

How do I properly implement "operator()" with "if constexpr" so that it works with std::generate?

I was trying to write a class that will fill a container with random numbers with the type that the container has:

template<typename random_type>
class rand_helper {
    std::mt19937 random_engine;
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> int_dist;
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_dist;

    rand_helper() = delete;
    rand_helper(random_type left_b, random_type right_b);
    random_type operator()();


template<typename random_type>
rand_helper<random_type>::rand_helper(const random_type left_b, const random_type right_b) :random_engine{ std::random_device{}()} {
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<random_type, double>)
        real_dist(left_b, right_b );
        int_dist( left_b, right_b );

template<typename random_type>
random_type rand_helper<random_type>::operator()() {
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<random_type, double>)
        return real_dist(random_engine);
        return int_dist(random_engine);

But here an error occurs somewhere, because when I call std::generate,then I get a lot of errors:

template<typename T,typename vec_type = typename T::value_type>
void fill_contain(T& container,vec_type left_b=vec_type(0), vec_type right_b= vec_type(100)) {
    std::generate(std::begin(container),std::end(container), rand_helper<vec_type>(left_b ,right_b));   

I thought it might be because of if constexpr but if just leave:

template<typename random_type>
random_type rand_helper<random_type>::operator()() {
    return int_dist(random_engine);

then the same errors are still returned. Here is the list of errors I get:

Error   C2825   '_Urng': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::'
Error   C2510   '_Urng' : left of '::' must be a class / struct / union
Error   C2061   syntax error : identifier 'result_type'
Error   C2065   '_Ty1' : undeclared identifier
Error   C2923   'std::conditional_t' : '_Ty1' is not a valid template type argument for parameter '_Ty2'

The function call goes like this:

 std::vector<int> for_sort;

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