dimanche 23 mai 2021

MATLAB Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) for Random Numbers and 64-bit unsigned int multiplication

I would like to implement a 64-bit L'Ecuyer LCG on MATLAB, since I wrote it on C, to replicate some results.

The pure Mutiplicative LCG (MLCG) is easily obtained by X_{n+1} = a * X_{n} mod m, where a and m are the two constant taken from the table of L'Ecuyer's article. In my case I used

a = 1181783497276652981
m = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = 2^64 - 1

As pointed out e.g. here in C there are no problem in doing multiplication of 64-bits a and X_{n} is automagically truncated to the remainder of division by 2^64 - 1, so that I only need to do

rnd = A_ecu1b64 * rnd;

to obtain the successive random number. In MATLAB, sadly, this is not like so, instead when a * X_{n} is bigger than m is gets truncated to 2^64-1 and then the successive remainders are always 0.

How can I implement the same MLCG on MATLAB?

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