lundi 24 mai 2021

JAVA implementation of std::piecewise_linear_distribution

Is there a JAVA version of the std::piecewise_linear_distribution? I have a C++ code like the following that I need to convert to JAVA.

std::mt19937 g;
const std::vector<double> i{-3333333, -2222222, -11111,    0, 11111, 2222222, 4444444};
const std::vector<double> w{0.0005,     0.0057,    7.9, 9999,   7.9,  0.0057,  0.0005};
std::piecewise_linear_distribution<> IWrnd(i.begin(), i.end(), w.begin());

randomNumber = IWrnd(g);

I do not know the algorithm of std::piecewise_linear_distribution and I was not able to understand from the STL templates so I am not sure how this should look like in JAVA.

Is there an implementation of this in some JAVA package like java.util.Random? Or can someone post the algorithm for this?

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