To preface, I'm very new to coding with python and coding period. I've made a dice roller in python which allows the user to decide the number of sides, as well as the number of dice rolled. The code works as intended, but I keep getting an error message whenever I do multiple re-rolls and exit out. I've posted a screenshot of the error message and copied over the code too. I'd really appreciate any feedback, and thanks for reading this far. Error Message
## Roller v2
def Roll2():
[ - - - Welcome to Roller v2! - - - ]
sides = int(input("How many sides? : "))
dice = int(input("How many dice? : "))
modifier = input("Any Modifiers (Include +/-) : ")
def roller():
import random as rand
from random import choices
d_inf = range(1, sides+1)
d_choice = choices(d_inf, k=dice)
print("""Wowee, you rolled :
print(""" """)
print("Unadded Modifiers : (" + modifier + ")")
repeat = str(input("Would you like to roll the same dice again? (y/n) : "))
if repeat in ["y", "Y"]:
elif repeat in ["n", "N"]:
exit = str(input("Would you like to exit? (y/n) : "))
if exit in ["y", "Y"]:
elif exit in ["n", "N"]:
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