jeudi 22 juillet 2021

Shuffling a list using random-fu shuffle, doing an operation on a list and displaying result in Haskell

My goal is to get a list of N random items taken from an input list and see the result in GHCI. I decided to shuffle the input list, then take the first N elements from it (i.e. slice first elements). I am using shuffle function from random-fu module Data.Random.List.

Here's the code I currently have and at least it can be compiled

import Data.Random
import Data.Random.List

rndSelect :: [a] -> Int -> RVar [a]
rndSelect l n
  = do 
       l' <- shuffle l;
       return $ take n l'

But when I run rndSelect "abcdefg" in GHCI prompt, I get the following error:

<interactive>:1:1: error:
    • No instance for (Show (Int -> RVar [Char]))
        arising from a use of ‘print’
        (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
    • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

I think I know what it means. RVar doesn't derive Show. I guess I should modify my function so that it gets shuffled RVar[a] and then somehow take a list of the first N elements and convert it to IO action.

Here's one of my failed attempts:

rndSelect :: [a] -> Int -> IO ()
rndSelect l n
  = do 
       l' <- shuffle l;
       l'' <- take n l'
       s <- runRVar l'' StdRandom
       putStrLn s

I know, that it is messed up and raises errors on top of errors. I am beginner in Monads, "do" blocks and things like that in Haskell

I would be glad if someone help me to fix my approach, but if you know alternative way to achieve my goal, I will be happy to see it as well. Thank you very much!

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