I am trying to generate random player locations that do not overlap. My initial assumption is that maybe I should (1) generate random positions, (2) check if random positions are overlapping, (3) regenerate positions that are overlapping.
I do not want the flowers or the players to overlap when they are initially generated. Another idea that I had: is there a way I can make a grid system, where players and flowers are initially generated at a spot on the grid and the random function shuffles through grid points?
// game.js
let mapWidth = 200;
let mapHeight = 200;
// let playerWidth = 10;
// let playerHeight = 10;
let flowerWidth = 10;
let flowerHeight = 10;
let player;
let gameMap = document.createElement('div');
gameMap.setAttribute('id', 'gameMap');
gameMap.style.width = mapWidth + 'px';
gameMap.style.height = mapHeight + 'px';
const leftKey = "ArrowLeft";
const rightKey = "ArrowRight";
const upKey = "ArrowUp";
const downKey = "ArrowDown";
window.onkeydown = function(event) {
const keyCode = event.key;
if(keyCode == leftKey) {
} else if(keyCode == rightKey) {
} else if(keyCode == upKey) {
} else if(keyCode == downKey) {
// Game Objects & Players
class Player {
constructor(posX, posY, playerId, isMe) {
// this.posX = 0; // for debugging
// this.posY = 0; // for debugging
this.posX = posX;
this.posY = posY;
this.width = 10;
this.height = 10;
this.playerId = playerId;
this.speed = 2;
this.isMe = isMe;
this.myFlowers = [];
// check if step would collide
if( this.isColliding(this.posX + this.speed, this.posY) == true ){
this.posX = this.posX + this.speed;
socket.emit('playerMovement', ({x: this.posX, y: this.posY}));
// if not
// apply step to this.posX
// update the DOM (gameMap)
// tell server that player moved
stepLeft() {
if( this.isColliding(this.posX - this.speed, this.posY) == true ){
this.posX = this.posX - this.speed;
socket.emit('playerMovement', ({x: this.posX, y: this.posY}));
stepUp() {
if( this.isColliding(this.posX, this.posY - this.speed) == true ){
this.posY = this.posY - this.speed;
socket.emit('playerMovement', ({x: this.posX, y: this.posY}));
stepDown() {
if( this.isColliding(this.posX, this.posY + this.speed) == true ){
this.posY = this.posY + this.speed;
socket.emit('playerMovement', ({x: this.posX, y: this.posY}));
isColliding(nextStepX, nextStepY) {
// - bounds of map
if(nextStepX >= 0 && nextStepX < mapWidth - this.width && nextStepY >= 0 && nextStepY < mapHeight - this.height) {
// - other players
for(let i = 0; i < activePlayers.length; i++) {
if(activePlayers[i].playerId != this.playerId) {
// other
let other = activePlayers[i];
if((other.posX > nextStepX - other.width) &&
(other.posX <= nextStepX + this.width) &&
(other.posY > nextStepY - other.height) &&
(other.posY <= nextStepY + this.height) ) {
return true
// console.log(activePlayers[i]);
return false
} else {
return true
updatePosition() {
// if me:
if(this.isMe === true) {
gameMap.style.left = - this.posX + 'px';
gameMap.style.top = - this.posY + 'px';
} else {
this.elm.style.left = this.posX + 'px';
this.elm.style.top = this.posY + 'px';
// else:
// move actal this.elm to location
this.elm = document.createElement('div');
// if me....
if(this.isMe === true) {
this.elm.setAttribute('class', 'mainPlayer');
// if not me...
} else {
this.elm.setAttribute('class', 'otherPlayer');
// else
// ///
this.elm.style.width = this.width + 'px';
this.elm.style.height = this.height + 'px';
// append the mainPlayer to the map
// assign element id as the socket id
this.elm.id = this.playerId;
// push id to activePlayers array
// activePlayers.push(playerInfo.playerId);
// name tag for debug tracking
let nameTag = document.createElement("p");
nameTag.innerHTML = this.playerId;
// set map coordinates from random player location
class worldObject {
constructor(name, posX, posY, width, height) {
this.name = name;
this.posX = posX;
this.posY = posY;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
class Flower extends worldObject {
constructor (name, posX, posY, isPicked) {
super(name, posX, posY);
// this.scientific = scientific;
// this.rarity = rarity;
this.posX = posX;
this.posY = posY;
this.width = 10;
this.height = 10;
this.isPicked = isPicked;
this.flowerElm = document.createElement('div');
this.flowerElm.setAttribute('class', 'flower');
this.flowerElm.style.width = this.width + 'px';
this.flowerElm.style.height = this.height + 'px';
updatePosition() {
this.flowerElm.style.left = this.posX + 'px';
this.flowerElm.style.top = this.posY + 'px';
// let flowers = [
// ghostOrchid = new Flower ("Ghost Orchid", "Dendrophylax Lindenii", 10, randomPosition() - 5, randomPosition() - 5, 10, 10),
// ];
let activePlayers = [];
let activeObjects = [];
let activeFlowers = [];
let socket = io();
socket.on('currentPlayers', function (players) {
Object.keys(players).forEach(function (id) {
// me:
if (players[id].playerId === socket.id) {
// create an asset for the main player
if(activePlayers.indexOf(socket.id) === -1) {
console.log("adding main player");
// addPlayer(players[id]);
player = new Player (players[id].x, players[id].y, players[id].playerId, true);
// push player (mainPlayer) instance to activePlayers array
// create mainPlayer element
// or them:
} else {
// otherwise, create an other player
if(activePlayers.indexOf(socket.id) === -1) {
console.log("adding other player");
// addOtherPlayers(players[id]);
let guestPlayer = new Player (players[id].x, players[id].y, players[id].playerId, false);
// push player (mainPlayer) instance to activePlayers array
// create mainPlayer element
socket.on('newPlayer', function (playerInfo) {
console.log("A new player has joined");
// addOtherPlayers(playerInfo);
let guestPlayer = new Player (playerInfo.x, playerInfo.y, playerInfo.playerId, false);
// push player (mainPlayer) instance to activePlayers array
// create mainPlayer element
socket.on('playerMoved', function (playerInfo) {
// console.log("a player moved");
// console.log('delete this: ', players[i].playerId.indexOf(socket.id));
let movedPlayer = activePlayers.find(player => player.playerId === playerInfo.playerId);
// console.log(movedPlayer);
movedPlayer.posX = playerInfo.x;
movedPlayer.posY = playerInfo.y;
// let playerOnMove = document.getElementById(playerInfo.playerId)
// // let movePlayer = document.getElementById(playerInfo.playerId);
// playerOnMove.style.left = playerInfo.x + 'px';
// playerOnMove.style.top = playerInfo.y + 'px';
// console.log(playerInfo.playerId + " moved to: " + playerInfo.x, playerInfo.y);
socket.on('flowerData', function (flowerData) {
for(let i=0; i < 5; i++) {
console.log(flowerData[i].x, flowerData[i].y);
let flower = new Flower (flowerData[i].id, flowerData[i].x, flowerData[i].y, flowerData[i].isPicked);
// create mainPlayer element
// gameMap.append(flower);
// if collide with flower: emit and push to player's inventory
// this.socket.emit('flowerCollected');
socket.on('disconnectUser', function (playerId) {
// remove the div element of the disconnected player
let el = document.getElementById(playerId);
for(let i = 0; i < activePlayers.length; i++) {
// console.log('delete this: ', players[i].playerId.indexOf(socket.id));
let disconnectedPlayer = activePlayers[i].playerId.indexOf(socket.id);
activePlayers.splice(disconnectedPlayer, 1);
console.log("A player has left the game");
// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer(app);
const { Server } = require("socket.io");
const io = new Server(server);
const port = process.env.PORT;
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
function randomPosition() {
let random = parseInt( (50 + Math.random()*100));
return random
let flower = [
id: "flowerOne",
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() -5,
isPicked: false
id: "flowerTwo",
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() -5,
isPicked: false
id: "flowerThree",
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() -5,
isPicked: false
id: "flowerFour",
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() -5,
isPicked: false
id: "flowerFive",
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() -5,
isPicked: false
players = {};
// while debugging. positions will; mot be random,
// let y = 100; // for debugging
// let x = 10; // for debugging
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('a user connected: ', socket.id);
// create a new player and add it to our players object
players[socket.id] = {
// x and y positioning of the map:
// subtract half of the playerWidth and playerHeight
x: randomPosition() - 5,
y: randomPosition() - 5,
// x: x, // for debugging
// y: y, // for debugging
playerId: socket.id,
// x += 50; // for debugging
// if(x>200) x=10; // for debugging
// send the players object to the new player
socket.emit('currentPlayers', players);
// update all other players of the new player
socket.broadcast.emit('newPlayer', players[socket.id]);
// send flowers to the new player
socket.emit('flowerData', flower);
// when a player moves, update the player data
socket.on('playerMovement', function (movementData) {
// console.log(movementData);
players[socket.id].x = movementData.x;
players[socket.id].y = movementData.y;
// console.log(movementData.x, movementData.y)
// emit a message to all players about the player that moved
socket.broadcast.emit('playerMoved', players[socket.id]);
// when a player disconnects, remove them from our players object
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('user disconnected: ', socket.id);
delete players[socket.id];
// emit a message to all players to remove this player
io.emit('disconnectUser', socket.id);
server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
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