lundi 2 mars 2015

Four options. Easy Strategy Game. Javascript, HTML, CSS, Jquery [on hold]

I need help developing a simple four option game for a homework assignment for a digital history class. The logic the teacher is trying to teach me goes in one ear and out the other. Here is what I am trying to do.

The name of the game is going to be something similar to Oregon trail.

Here is an outline


INSTRUCTIONS: Pick one trail. Be careful to read the trail descriptions, some trials have a better chance to reach Oregon than others!

Insert a picture of a wagon here


Radio Button with four options (i need a random number generator 1-100)

1) Route Red: %25 if random number <=25,dead

2) Route Red: %50 if random number <=50,dead

3) Route Red: %75 if random number <=75,dead

4) Route Red: %0 if random number <=0,dead

I need a play button that impacts the variable named miles. Every time the user clicks the play button 1) see if they die 2) then -500 from miles 3) at 0 miles user wins!

Each turn (up to 6) the user gets an alert, saying if they die or if they continue traveling or if they won.

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