mardi 3 mars 2015

Generating random simple math division problems

I'm making a simple Android app for my daughter so she can do math problems. I found it fairly easy to generate addition, subtraction and multiplication questions at random, however division is more tricky.

I don't want to get into decimals, so I have to check each is divisible without remainder. This is what I am working with...

public void genDivQuestion() {
text = (TextView) findViewById(;
answer = first / second;

public String divisible() {
first = RandomNumGen.getRandIntBetween(2, 12);
second = RandomNumGen.getRandIntBetween(2, 12);
if (first % second == 0) {
return first + " \u00F7 " + second + " = ?";
} else {
return "0";

I'm not sure what to do at the line "return "0";". If I try calling divisible() to try again, the app just crashes.

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