mardi 23 février 2016

Generating random numbers in assembly

I am new to assembly, and I am having problems generating random numbers.

My code is simple: it generates 100 numbers in the 0-25 range and stores them in an array.

The problem I am experiencing is that when I run the con on the emu8086 assembler it runs successfully and generates 100 random numbers, that are stored in the array. But when I run it on the masm611, it generates a new random number every 4 cycles. Which means the values in the array are consecutive same number for 4 values and then next random value is stored.

Here is my code:

.model small
.stack 100h

range db 25

arr db 15 dup(0)        ; an array

   mov ax,@data
   mov ds,ax

   mov cx,100           ;loop 100 times to get 100 random numbers
   mov bx,offset arr    ;getting the adress of the arr in bx

    mov ah,2ch      
    int 21h

    mov ah,0  
    mov al,dl            ;using dl by seeing  2ch details
    div range            ; so the number is in range

    mov [bx],ah          ;ah has remainder as using 8 bits div and  
    inc bx               ;moving to the next index

    loop L1        

mov ah,4ch               ;returning control
int 21h 

Is there is a problem in my code? Do I need to add something? Thanks.

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