mercredi 28 septembre 2016

Error: Java symbol not found; called correctly

I'm doing an assignment for AP Computer Science at my high school. I am trying to simulate a game of Craps. The dice is supposed to return a random int between 1 and 6. The teacher looked at it and couldn't figure it out.

public class TestDie
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Die die = new Die();

Error: error: cannot find symbol


It is testing this, which compiles fine import java.lang.Math;

public class Die
   private int numDots;

   private void roll()
   //double random = Math.random() * 50 + 1;
   numDots = (int )(Math.random() * 6 + 1);

   public int getNumDots()
   return numDots;

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