jeudi 29 septembre 2016

vb6 legacy application freezing in Windows 10. Analyse wait chain shows csrss.exe

I've got a legacy VB6 application that runs on over 200 machines,mostly Windows 10 but also some 7 and 8. Its working great on the vast majority of computers but it randomly crashes on a small number of Win 10 systems. Randomly = between 1 and 5 times a day.

By crashing I mean it simply freezes. No other message. Nothing in the event viewer. The screen does grey out.

The crash occurs when a user clicks a button. Not the same button each time. The code behind the button(s) could be anything from opening a help form to running a search on an SQL Server. There is no consistency. I don't believe its actually the code causing the issue.

When I analyse the wait chain its always csrss.exe. csrss.exe has been scanned to ensure its not a virus. Its clean.

I know csrss.exe is something to do with the Windows sub system but its beyond my knowledge at the moment.

I'm looking for any help, ideas on the next step to finding the problem and of course curing it.

Thanks in advance


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