I have an issue while generating a random number and giving the value to a pointer.
What I want to do here: generate a number between 1 and 1000, and the player will receive that amount of gold. The base gold is 0 obviously. Although, for some reason, when I printf the amount of integer gold, there were cases when it was more than 3000, which is obviously a sign of error.
The goldchange part is because the player will receive gold lots of times and I want it to work every time. Although at the moment, since I am testing this part of my program, the player receives gold only once.
Since I am a beginner programmer, I guess I am doing it wrong. How should I do this correctly so integer GOLD will have the correct value?
int* gold=0;
int goldchange;
printf("You have received the following amount of gold: %d", goldchange);
printf("You have this many golds: %d", gold);
So, for example, this was what happened last time: You have received the following amount of gold: 777 You have this many golds: 3108
But it should be 777 not 3108.... (obviously every run gives different numbers, but the two values are never the same...)
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