dimanche 27 novembre 2016

Trouble translating small C# "Random String" function to Haskell

I saw the following code in my companies codebase and thought to myself "Damn that's a fine line of linq, I'd like to translate that to Haskell to see what it's like in an actual functional language"

static Random random = new Random();
static string RandomString(int length)
    const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
                                .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)])

However I'm having a bit of trouble getting a concise and direct translation to Haskell because of how awkward it is to generate random numbers in this language.

I've considered a couple of approaches. The most direct translation of the C# code only generates a single random index and then uses that in place of the random.Next(s.Length). But I need to generate multiple indexes, not a single one.

Then I considered doing a list of IO Int random number actions, but I can't work out how to go through and convert the list of IO actions into actual random numbers.

So the Haskell code that I end up writing ends up looking quite convoluted compared to the C# (which I wasn't expecting in this case) and I haven't even got it to work anyway.

My question, what would be a natural translation of the C# to Haskell? Or more generally, how would you go about generating a random String of a specified length in Haskell (because this C# way doesn't seem to translate well to Haskell)?

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