lundi 28 novembre 2016

Python Battleships game random ship placement

I found a code academy lesson about battleship game and I'm trying to expand it a little. I added some code that allows to place multiple ships on the board but I've run into some issues when randomly placing ships namely, the ships sometimes overlaps. enter image description here

As you see S should be of length 3. But B overlaps that. Below is the place_ship function. I would really appreciate some advice on what to fix.

def place_ship(board, ship_name):
    global ship_count, hiddenBoard
    ship = ""
    size = 0
    if ship_name == "Destroyer":
        ship, size = "D", 2
    elif ship_name == "Submarine":
        ship, size = "S", 3
    elif ship_name == "Battleship":
        ship, size = "B", 4
    ship_row, ship_col = random_row(board), random_col(board)
    orientation = bool(random.getrandbits(1))
    if orientation:
        while hiddenBoard[ship_row][ship_col] != "D" or "S" or "B":
            if ship_col + size not in range(10):
                ship_col -= size
            if ship_row + size not in range(10):
                ship_row -= size
            for x in range(0, size):
                hiddenBoard[ship_row][ship_col + x] = ship
                ship_count += 1
        while hiddenBoard[ship_row][ship_col] != "D" or "S" or "B":
            if ship_row + size not in range(10):
                ship_row -= size
            if ship_col + size not in range(10):
                ship_col -= size
            for x in range(0, size):
                hiddenBoard[ship_row + x][ship_col] = ship
                ship_count += 1

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