jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Python random hex generator

So I'm looking to generate a random hex value each time this is called

randhex = "\\x" + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF")) + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF"))

So far all I've come up with is to make different = calls (ex. randhex1 = ^^, randhex2) etc etc but that's tedious and inefficient and I don't want to do this

ErrorClass = "\\x" + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF")) + "\\x" + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF")) + "\\x" + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF")) + "\\x" + str(random.choice("123456789ABCDEF"))

because that doesn't look good and can be hard to tell how many there are.

I'm trying to assign it to this

ErrorClass = randhex1 + randhex2 + randhex3 + randhex4,
Flags = randhex5,
Flags2 = randhex6 + randhex7,
PIDHigh = randhex2 + randhex5,

and ideally, instead of having to assign different numbers, I want it all to be uniform or something like ErrorClass = randhex*4 which would be clean. If I do this, however, it simply copies the code to be something like this:

Input: ErrorClass = randhex + randhex + randhex + randhex
Output: \xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF

which obviously doesn't work because they are all the same then. Any help would be great.

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