vendredi 1 septembre 2017

Parallelisation of first-to-survive-wins loop

I have a problem, which, when simplified:

  1. has a loop which samples new points
  2. evaluates them with a complex/slow function
  3. accepts them if the value is above an ever-increasing threshold.

Here is example code for illustration:

from numpy.random import uniform
from time import sleep

def userfunction(x):
    # do something complicated
    # but computation always takes takes roughly the same time
    sleep(1) # comment this out if too slow
    xnew = uniform() # in reality, a non-trivial function of x
    y = -0.5 * xnew**2
    return xnew, y

x0, cur = userfunction([])
x = [x0] # a sequence of points

while cur < -2e-16:
    # this should be parallelised

    # search for a new point higher than a threshold
    x1, next = userfunction(x)
    if next <= cur:
        # throw away
        cur = next
        print cur

print x

I want to parallelise this (e.g. across a cluster), but the problem is that I need to terminate the other workers when a successful point has been found, or at least inform them of the new x (if they manage to get above the new threshold with an older x, the result is still acceptable). As long as no point has been successful, I need the workers repeat.

I am looking for tools/frameworks which can handle this type of problem, in any scientific programming language (C, C++, Python, Julia, etc., no Fortran please).

Can this be solved with MPI semi-elegantly? I don't understand how I can inform/interrupt/update workers with MPI.

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